Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) www.ura.gov.sg
Housing & Development Board (HDB) www.hdb.gov.sg
Integrated Land Information Services www.sla.gov.sg/inlis
Ministry of National Development (MND) www.mnd.gov.sg
Land Transport Authority (LTA) www.lta.gov.sg
Building and Construction Authority (BCA) www.bca.gov.sg
Stamp Duty (IRAS) www.iras.gov.sg
Registry of Companies & Businesses www.bizfile.gov.sg
Foreign Immigration Status www.ienquiry.ica.gov.sg
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore www.iras.gov.sg
Central Provident Fund Board (CPF Board) www.cpf.gov.sg
Resales Private Transaction (URA) www.ura.gov.sg
eService (IRAS) mytax.iras.gov.sg
Resales HDB Transaction (HDB) www.hdb.gov.sg
Singapore Power Group www.spgroup.com.sg
Singapore Telecom www.singtel.com
Starhub www.starhub.com
M1 www.m1.com.sg
eCitizen www.ecitizen.gov.sg
Renovation & Decoration Advisory Centre www.radac.org.sg
Council of Estate Agents www.cea.gov.sg
Check on www.cea.gov.sg/public-register to see if the real estate agent is registered